ahh the smell of books

And today classes begin.  I woke up at 8:00am and of course had coffee is my little Italian kitchen.  Our neighbors cat decided to join me so I was not quite alone.  If the kitchen window is shut she sits there and tries to push it open with her paw so  (because I'm a sucker for animals) I let her join me.  She's quite the clever one.  If i open the window she wont hurry in.  She takes her time as if it wasn't me who let her in.  Although I'm not a cat lover, I'm growing fonder of this one. 

First class of the semester was at Consumer Behavior in the Fashion Industry. It was literally a 2 minute walk from my apartment door. My professor is such a funny lady.  I'm actually excited about going to class!  (never thought that day would come). I took 6 pages of notes today and thought my hand would break off.  And our grand total number of students in class is.......5! yup that's right 5 students to 1 professor.  Talk about small student to teacher ratio!

Went to the Mercato Centrale today to shop for groceries and fresh produce.  They truly do use every part of the animal (I saw things there that I wish to never see on a plate).  Then got some Gelato with a friend and now I'm here writing to you.

The streets of Firenze are really easy to navigate. It is quite difficult to truly get lost because you have so many land marks to help you get to where you want to go. I even learned how to somewhat navigate the bus system....or so I think.  :) After 4 nights of sleeping on what feels like a desk and a "pillow" (if you can even call it that) me and my roommates decided to was time to locate that IKEA we had seen when we landed in Firenze. So Sunday afternoon we waited almost 2.5 hours (after missing the bus 30) to trek there.  I never thought I'd be so happy to find an IKEA.  I bought the nicest pillow I could find and can report that i slept like a baby last night. :)

But the best exploration walk I've taken yet was to the Piazzale Michelangelo. The walk took quite some time but it was well, well worth the breathtaking view. We crossed the Arno river through Ponte Vecchio. The other side of the Arno is much less touristy which is more to my taste. It was absolutely amazing but I will let the photos speak for themselves.

Ponte Vecchio
On our way to Piazzale Michelangelo

First Gelato I had in Italy.
..BEST EVER. (Caffe e Crema)

Ciao! Buona Sera! 



Unknown said...

I'm glad you put a snout to the description lol:))) it's cute

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