Florens 2010

Grass at the Duomo?!
Grass in Florence? The (fake) David on top of the Duomo? I knew something had to be going on but what could it have been? So it was saturday evening and I decided to take a stroll through the streets of Florence hoping to do some discovering. And this is what I ran into...

International Week on Culture Heritage and Landscape 

Piazza della Republica housed a huge food market where I managed to leave with some delicious goodies.  I took my time and surveyed all the delectable options. Fruits, Veggies, cheeses, honey, cured meats and delightful sweets made of CHOCOLATE.  Bought my favorite Pecorino Cheese and some fresh extra virgin olive oil (its OLIVE SEASON!).  The man who sold it to me told me it was just bottled the day before! Also bought some sweets: dried orange peels dipped in dark chocolate. Man was it heavenly. 

I also stopped at Palazzo Strozzi where the crafts market was and purchased a braided leather bracelet.  After enjoying the crazy  atmosphere of lovely Italians out and about in the piazza, I took my recently purchased sweets and decided I would get lost across the river. Stumbled into many little shops and interesting stores.  Had a blast doing it and have yet to discover more of it! 

Here are some photos I shot that day...
This little girl was too adorable in her coat!
My artisan bracelet
Artichokes: Italians pride themselves on it!
creepy clown
Piazza della Republica
Roasting hazelnuts I believe

Ciao Ciao until next time,


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