Navy waters, Rocky cliffs, Clear skys, Sail boats...AMALFI COAST

Yes yes, it has taken me many weeks to finally update my blog, but my intentions were to wait until I had the most memorable weekends of my life to update ya'll (ode to my new Texas friend Katie). Siena, Fiorentine Soccer game, and Cinque Terre, one weekend, followed by an unforgettable and most cherished weekend in Romania, then the beautifully breathtaking Amalfi Coast.

But I will start with this past weekend's festivities and work backwards in later posts. Amalfi Coast could not have been a better way to end September and begin October.  It was probably the best trip I have taken to this day (my lists of trips was quite short prior to Italy).

Thursday evening around 7:30pm my roommates, Jessica, Lauren and I headed to the train station where we met our trip leader from Bus2Alps.  Getting there nice and early, we scored some pretty sweet seats on the bus, which is prime considering the bus trip was 7 hours long. Yes, the joys of traveling as a poor college student. But after all the bus trips I've taken in Italy, I'm starting bare them a little more.

My roommates and I booked our trip with Bus2Alps, which was great because they took care of all the accommodations, traveling, and activities which makes EVERYTHING so much easier because you don't look like the American trying to speak Italian at the train station trying to pick the CORRECT train to where you would like to go.

Anyway, following our long ride we got to our hostel around 2:00am in the city of Sorrento and headed for our 11 person room! (coed I should add). Toward the end of the trip I think we all bonded during our late night conversations and awesome bunk-beds. We met so many more students from Florence who are doing other programs.  Never realized how many schools existed in Florence

The hostel we stayed at was actually really really nice.  It had this beautiful roof top terrace that had the most breathtaking views.

After our so called 'cat nap', our large group headed for Capri at unrighteous hour of 8:00am.  We got to the docks about an hour later and then boarded our private boat ride to Capri.  The boat ride was awesome. Although slightly queazy (don't worry I didn't get sick) the boat ride was the most enjoyable thing ever. I've forgotten how utterly amazing it is to be in the middle of the sea on a boat with the salt air through your hair (and oh yes I went there). As cheesy as that sounds, its just exactly how it felt.

Here are photos from the ride to Capri:

Me, Katie, Lauren and Jessica

Our first stop was the Blue Grotto.  Not everyone gets the chance to enter because it is dependent on the water and weather conditions. But somehow we got extremely lucky and we were given the thumbs up. Even our group leaders were surprised.

With four to a boat, we hopped into tiny rowboats, where we were led into the blue grotto.  The entrance is extremely tiny so the Italian on the boat had us all lie down and duck as he slid us through the passage.  As you slid through the dark passage, the gleaming blue light hits you right away.  It seemed as though there were blue lights underneath the ocean floor.  It was insane.  I’ve never seen water so aqua blue.   Our driver was quite the entertainer. He sang some Italian songs as he circled the cave and then rattled off some facts about the Grotto. I was far too entertained by what I was seeing to remember anything he said. 

Surreal right?

The coloring has something to do with the reflection of the sun into the water and the darkness of the cave. 

We got back onto our boat and headed for a tour of the island.  The houses wedged into the Capri cliffs were just magnificent.   We also stopped at the Green Grotto and the White Grotto.  The best way to describe the colors is by describing crystal clear aqua green gems.  Its like nothing I’ve ever seen.

The boat dropped us off at the docks where we took a long walk up to Anacapri. Our group leaders pointed out some great places to have lunch and different things to do, but our first stop was FOOD. Lauren and I split two seafood dishes that were probably one of the best meals I’ve ever had, EVER.

Calamari fritto (Best Calamari ever to enter my mouth)

Risotto with clams, mussles, squid, and shrimp. So much flavor with such little ingredients

After we savored every single bite of our lunch, we stopped at this little jewelry shop where I couldn’t help but buy pink pearl earrings.  They are my first pair of pearls and what better place to buy them than on the island of Capri in Italy?  (that was my justification for the purchase).

Next was the chair lift to the top of Anacapri.  It was a single person chairlift, but the magnificent views kept you company. It was thirteen minutes of pure solitude with only your thoughts and the incredible surroundings of the island.

The top of Anacapri 

Standing on top of this I just was in complete awe of how beautiful God's creation truly is.  It reminded me of how small we really are in comparison to the world.  It just put everything into perspective for me in regards to how big God is.

After we soaked up the views for a little, we headed back down the chair lift and tested some of the local limoncello that Capri is famous for.  The taste differed at all the different locations. Some were incredibly sour, others just incredibly strong. (not really my cup of tea or cup of liquor).  We also stopped by this custom shoe shop....then walked right out because with four girls, that could have been dangerous.

The following day we took our bus to the city of Positano.  By foot we navigated through the streets of the city, small and narrow with all the Italian charm you could ask for. We finally made it to the beaches of Positano which were painful and astonishing.  Painful because they are pebble beaches which kill your feet and makes you look like an elderly person trying to walk. (

We relaxed on the beach, soaked up some much needed sun, swam the clear waters of the coast, and then headed into the beach city to purchase what would be the best sandwich of my life. Italians are so simple with their food yet the flavors are just so mouth watering. The store was extremely crowded as everyone grabbed a number and pushed their way to the counter. Number 65...FINALLY. Pesto, Salami, Mozzarella, Swiss, and Tomatoes topped off my sandwich. It took me a few hours to finish it!

After grabbing lunch a boat waited for us at the dock and we managed to get seats right at the tip of it. (They weren't quite seats but nothing blocked our view, who could ask for more)  First stop: CLIFF JUMPING!...Best experience yet. As you fall, you think you will hit the water much faster than you do.  Its the craziest thing.  I felt as if I could do anything after that.

Second Stop: CAVE SWIMMING!. It was incredible. (enough said)

After all the crazy festivities and a beautiful boat ride back, we lounged on the beach, opened  a bottle of wine, and napped the remainder of the time we had their. It was great to finally just relax and inhale all your surroundings.  It reminded me that I am actually living in Italy! 

The following day we headed for Pompeii. It is the place of Roman ruins, so I will let the photos speak for themselves 

Until next time, Ciao ciao!

promise it won't take this long :)



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